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Get your copy of Apostle's book,

Walking in the Word: Fifty Daily Devotions to Deepen Your Relationship with God 

Paperback – March 29, 2017,

11.99 hardcopy, 7.99 Kindle

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Do you have a vision to follow, we do here at KBCMI.


EPH. 4:12. For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of CHRIST.

EDIFYING - The word ‘edification' comes from a Latin word, ‘aedificare' which means, “build”. The idea therefore is, ‘to improve the mind or character of some one by teaching'.

Kingdom is the sovereign, power, dominion, and rule to infiltrate, influence, and incorporate all who would receive its provisions, promises, promotion, and protection for the the  Kingdom of God and for Experiencing and Enjoying The Kingdom lifestyle.

To Advance is to proceed progressively by divine impartation, inspiration, imagination and instruction to move forward the Kingdom of God and for Experiencing and Enjoying the Kingdom lifestyle.  ADVANCING THE KINGDOM OF GOD WITH FORCE.

Biography of Apostle-elect Jennifer D. Gooden

Apostle-elect Jennifer D. Gooden is a native of Fayetteville, North Carolina, the daughter of the late Frank Love and Mildred (Simmons) Holmes. 

She is a graduate of Ames International School of Ministry and holds a degree in Biblical Studies. She attended Florida Christian College in Kissimmee, Florida in pursuit of her Bachelor of Science Degree in Christian Leadership and Management. She has completed the intensive Apostolic Prophetic Training Seminars at Christian International, in Santa Rosa, Florida under the leadership of Bishop/Dr. Bill Hamon. She has earned a Bachelor of Biblical Studies Degree in Ministry Leadership, with a concentration in Pastoral Ministry from Ames Christian University in Fort Myers, Florida. She has 3 years of collegiate studies at the Central Piedmont Community College in Charlotte, North Carolina in Law Enforcement Technology/Criminal Justice. Additionally, she has received a Doctor of Divinity from St. Thomas Christian University in Jacksonville, Florida. She has had the opportunity to travel extensively as an Army Veteran having served 14 years of active duty service and 3 years in the Army Reserves. 

She has been married for over 30 years to her awesome man of God and priest, Chief Apostle Leon R. Gooden, Jr., who is an anointed, powerful preacher of the gospel. Out of this union they are blessed with three lovely children, Damien, Leon III., and India. They are exceptionally blessed to be the proud grandparents of seven. 

Apostle-elect Jennifer D. Gooden, alongside her husband, Chief Apostle Leon R. Gooden, Jr., birthed the ministry (church) of Kingdom Builders Christian Ministries, Int’l in October 2010. She is the president of Right Hand Apostolic Ministries (RHAM), a Fellowship Organization birthed out of the loins of her husband in February 2015. She is also her husband’s greatest intercessor 2nd to The Great Intercessory, Jesus Christ.   

Apostle-elect Jennifer D. Gooden is a gifted administrator, as well as an anointed passionate teacher of the gospel, and has formerly served in several ministries prior to pastoring in the capacity of Youth Director, Christian Education Instructor, Evangelism, Co-Director of Pastoral Care Ministry, Counseling Ministry, Personal Secretary to Bishops and Apostles, Church Administrator, Women's President, Liturgical Dance Ministry Leader, as well as having served in various other ministries. She was previously on staff at Interfaith Jail Ministries in Pensacola, Florida as a Spiritual Counselor where she prayed and ministered weekly to many hurting incarcerated women.  

Apostle-elect walks with a holy boldness and understands the God given spiritual authority in which she humbly walks in. She carries the anointing to preach, teach and prophesy with passion under the power of the Holy Ghost, as she has been used to minister prophetically to God’s people. Apostle-elect Jennifer D. Gooden, also affectionately known to her congregants as “Apostle-elect J” is gifted, as well as anointed, to write, organize, and systematize ministry manuals, pamphlets, brochures and booklets for teaching and training materials/aides to be used as effective tools to further spread the Gospel. She has been dedicated to the work of the Lord full-time for over 20 plus years and has a true heart that burns for God, His people, and servitude. She has a strong desire to see God's people healed, delivered and set free from oppression, as she has laid hands on many and has witnessed the very miracles of healings and deliverances, signs through the baptism of the holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues and wonders take place right before the very eyes of the beholder. She also takes great joy in helping others to discover their God-given gifts, talents, and abilities so that they can be properly placed, go forth and be used effectively in the body of Christ and fulfill the purpose, plan and destiny on their lives.

Apostle-elect looks forward to traveling the nations to do greater works, in Jesus name.

Her motto:  "I am so glad that God is not like man. For man will always hold you to what you use to be and will never rejoice in what God has called you to be. I thank God He sees and knows my heart.”   

Apostle-elect Jennifer D. Gooden currently co-labors alongside her husband as Co-founder, Executive Director of Ministries, Church Administrator, and Women’s President, under the leadership of the Senior Pastor, Chief Apostle Leon. R. Gooden, Jr.

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