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Get your copy of Apostle's book,

Walking in the Word: Fifty Daily Devotions to Deepen Your Relationship with God 

Paperback – March 29, 2017,

11.99 hardcopy, 7.99 Kindle

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Do you have a vision to follow, we do here at KBCMI.


EPH. 4:12. For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of CHRIST.

EDIFYING - The word ‘edification' comes from a Latin word, ‘aedificare' which means, “build”. The idea therefore is, ‘to improve the mind or character of some one by teaching'.

Kingdom is the sovereign, power, dominion, and rule to infiltrate, influence, and incorporate all who would receive its provisions, promises, promotion, and protection for the the  Kingdom of God and for Experiencing and Enjoying The Kingdom lifestyle.

To Advance is to proceed progressively by divine impartation, inspiration, imagination and instruction to move forward the Kingdom of God and for Experiencing and Enjoying the Kingdom lifestyle.  ADVANCING THE KINGDOM OF GOD WITH FORCE.

Executive Pastor Jennifer D. Gooden

I greet each of you in the “Powerful” and “Holy” name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is a privilege to welcome you to our Women’s Ministry. I am most humbled and honored to have you in the midst. I take joy in this opportunity to thank you for choosing to be an intricate part of what God has prepared for the “Women of the Kingdom” Fellowship Ministry. For we are kingdom-minded women of God, that fully understand that the kingdom of God is within each of us, and because we have come into the knowledge of that, we continuously strive to walk in the fullness of all He has for us. We are women who will not settle for second best but are determined to walk in God’s very best because we acknowledge that we have the Greater One on the inside. Excellence in Christ is our goal. 
It is a blessing that we as women can come together to seek the greater good for one another, our church, and our community through spiritual growth and fellowship. Women of God, know that you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this, for His desire is to meet us at the very point of our need, right now. It is my earnest prayer that, as we come together in unity, that our soon coming King will be glorified and each of us will be edified. I am ecstatic about how God is going to move through each of us and demonstrate His power in taking us to another dimension, in Him. My desire is that you grow spiritually, emotionally, and physically through our women’s ministry. A manifested changed from the inside out in our lives will certainly become evident as well as prevalent. 
I look forward to the fruitful and lasting fellowship through the ministry of our Women’s Ministry.
Women of God, know that you truly have come to the kingdom for such a time as this, so ARISE and prepare to believe, conceive, and receive your blessings!!!
From the Heart,
Executive Pastor Jennifer Gooden - Women’s President
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Kingdom Builders Christian Ministries International

8512 North Palafox Rd. Pensacola Florida 32534